Paul Lives in Bedworth, Warwickshire, and has been a Pastor in the Baptist Church for some 25 years and is currently Elder and Pastoral Leader at his local church in Longford Coventry.
The past
Paul has had an Electrical Apprenticeship with the National Coal Board and has also worked at Carbodies as an Electrical Maintenance Supervisor along with the role of Industrial Chaplain supported by Coventry Diocese Mission in the Workplace.
Paul’s commitment to TABS
Paul is currently retired but using his Certificate in Counselling within his pastoral role.
Paul and his wife Sheila have recently visited the school in Kiandutu and were overwhelmed by the warmth and welcome they received. They are true Friends of Tabs and work passionately fundraising and promoting the charity in the local area.
Pauls role as Trustee is creating our Newsletter and publishing it supported by Kath Farmer.