Paul and Sheila Whitehead support TABS for over two years

Meet ‘Friends of TABS’ Paul and Sheila Whitehead, members of Longford Baptist Church, Coventry who have been supporting TABS International for some two years now through fundraising, after visiting the School in Kiandutu Thika in 2017 on a ‘Friends of Tabs trip’.


Sheila introduces the Smarties Challenge

The ‘Smarties Challenge’ was introduced as a way of fundraising by Sheila Whitehead as she and husband Paul speak at local churches and schools in the area.  Sheila hands out tubes of smarties and asks people enjoy the sweets then fill the tube with 20ps and return back to her as a donation towards the work of TABS International.

Longford Baptist Church raising £228 over lunch

In addition a Soup and Puddings event with friends of Longford Baptist Church raising £228 over lunch. Well done everyone, the  food was delicious!!!